Member Monday – Maxwell Cobb

Maxwell Cobb

Name: Maxwell Cobb

Company: Most Recently: Seacomm Federal Credit Union. Currently Looking for New Opportunities 

City/Town: Plattsburgh

How long have you been an ADKYP Member?
I joined in February so 9 Months!

What do you do in your spare time?
I enjoy playing poker with friends and family and I am slowly learning to cook

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I have 2 middle names. Kensington and Carpenter

What three business tips can you share with others?
Invest early and often when you are young, keep your portfolio diverse and never be afraid to take calculated risks!

What is your guilty pleasure (TV show, sweet treat, etc.)?
I love Marvel movies, I rewatch them all the time.

Have you done business with another ADKYP Member?
I have not done any business with another member but I have had co-workers that are also members

What is your dream vacation spot?
I would really like to travel to both Ireland and Australia

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about Buffalo Sports! I never miss a Bills or Sabres game.

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